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Writer's pictureEnid OA

I Went To Church, But Didn’t Know God

Updated: Sep 3, 2023

Going to church was never an issue for me

I was always eager to get ready, get dressed and go to church

From Sunday school to main service, I was very much involved

And served in various positions as much as I possibly could

Always seen moving from one department to the other ensuring that everything was going on smoothly

All over the place doing one thing or the other

I was and have always been that person in Church, but I didn’t know God

I didn’t know God not because I didn’t know there was a God

I didn’t know God because I never had a relationship with Him

My Christianity was all about what I did in church

Working in one position or the other

As if I was saved by my works and not by grace through faith

As if it was my own doing and not a gift of God

All the while, I only opened by Bible on Sundays

I only had that weekly interaction with the word of God

There was no secret place, no fellowship with God and no relationship with God

I went to church but my knowledge of God was limited to what was preached on Sunday

I had heard many sermons about having a relationship with God

About having a relationship with the Holy Spirit and He leading and teaching me

But actually, applying these teachings was another story.

Somehow, just being able to pick up my Bible daily was quite difficult for me

I was able to spend 5-10 minutes in prayer some mornings

But it always felt rushed and like something I just needed to do to tick off my list

My mind and life was so consumed by my work that it was the first thing I thought about when I woke up and the last thing before going to bed

When I wasn’t busy at work, my attention moved on to my phone, social media and movies

Any form of entertainment to take of some of my stress and anxiety

And just about everything else rather than spending time with God

Morning, afternoon and evening, each day, there seemed to be no space to even think about God

But now that I think about it, this was because God was never priority in my life

I said I loved God but didn’t want to spend time alone with Him

I said I loved God but had no intimacy with Him and truly did not know Him

The fruits of the spirit were not at work in me

And outside of church, I was no different than every other unbeliever

Once this dawned on me, I prayed to God to help me and show me how to draw closer to Him

And He answered this prayer by leading a Pastor friend to speak to me

He told me that God loved me and wanted me to draw closer to Him

I told Him that I wanted to draw closer but didn’t know where to start from

He then told me that my willingness was a good thing, the next step was for my intimacy with God

To spend time alone with God, to fellowship with Him and to allow Him to speak directly to me

He told me that I didn’t have to do this on my own

That I needed the Holy Spirit who God had given me as my helper.

As my advantage, as my teacher, as my comforter and so much more.

He prayed with me and as I sought the Holy Spirit with my whole heart, I received Him.

I received the Holy Spirit and my journey of knowing God begun

It wasn’t automatic for me.

Neither was there a 360 turnaround the next day after receiving the Holy Spirit

It was a gradual priority shift one day at a time.

It started with me being able to read my Bible each day

A gradual but huge change from only opening my bible once a week

Daily I sought to spend time with God.

I read my Bible more consistently and had scriptures jump out to me like never before

The excitement within me as the scriptures jumped out was like no feeling I had ever had

I just was not ready to let it go so I kept on searching and engaging with the word of God

The word of God is God Himself and more time in the word is more time with God

Consistency with the word, led to intimacy with God

Prayer became less of a chore

Worship became less of a problem

Praise and thanksgiving became a lifestyle

I was in church but I had now started to know God

I knew this was just the beginning and that there was a lot more I didn’t know

But I was grateful to God for the desire to spend time with Him

A desire that is going to birth a deeper knowledge of God and the ability to hear Him more and more

And experience the blessings that come with closeness to God

Because in His presence there is fullness of Joy

Because He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty

And because the man who delights in the word of God and meditates on it day and night is like a tree planted by streams of water

That yields its fruit in its season

Whose leaves do no wither and who prospers in all he does

I am still on this journey of knowing God and each day, I look forward to hearing from God, speaking with Him and experiencing the peace associated with intimacy with God

I am in Church and I am knowing more about God daily as I spend time alone with Him Daily


God loves all of us and wants us closer.  Drawing closer to God means spending time with God in our closet outside and removed from our activities in church. When we spend time with God alone, we get to experience and encounter Him like never before and get to hear Him better and clearer. Going to church is good. Serving in church is great but these are not enough to know and encounter God. What about what we do when we get home and during the week. This week let’s be encouraged to spend more time with God. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us and as we surrender to Him, He will lead us into intimacy with God. Amen!


Jun 25, 2023

Beautiful. The holy spirit is indeed our helper 🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️

Enid OA
Enid OA
Jun 25, 2023
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Soo true


Jun 25, 2023

At a point I saw a reflection of myself in this write up.

Personal relationship with God is the ultimate.

Enid OA
Enid OA
Jun 25, 2023
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So many of us have actually been here before. Intimacy with God is truly key 🙏🏼

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