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Writer's pictureEnid OA

The Lord Is Our Defense

Updated: Aug 13, 2023

We always say the Lord is our refuge, our shield, our protection, our defense and our hiding place. I think most of us do not even understand what it means for the Lord to be our defense, our shield, refuge, our protection our hiding place. I took some time to do a bit of research about Israel’s iron dome defense system and realized that we really sometimes belittle the power of God as our defense. This defense system is currently the most technologically advanced in world and even has a 90-95% success rate and on top of that it’s extremely expensive. And the funny thing is, our God is the source of all wisdom, knowledge, understanding and all technical know-how so he actually gave these people the mind to even come up with such an advanced tech.

2 Samuel 22:3 says my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior- from violent people you save me. Now when I read and meditate on this scripture, I get goose bumps. I imagine the Israeli defense system as the basics of basics in comparison to the free, 100% success rate defense system of God. One that never fails.

The whole of Psalm 91 also talks at length about God being our defense system. I will just highlight a few scriptures in there. Verses 1-4 says that He who dwells in the shelter of the most high, will abide in the shadow of the almighty. I will say to the Lord, My refuge and my fortress, my God in whom 1 trust. For he will deliver you from the snare of the Fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions and under his wings you will find refuge. His faithfulness is a shield and buckler. Verses 9 and 10 says because you have made the Lord your dwelling place, the most high, who is my refuge. No evil shall be allowed to befall you. No plague come near your tent.

Powerful Powerful words. And let us believe them with our whole heart. Let us choose to believe this than believe that some witch or wizard somewhere has power over us. No No No!!! Oh yes they will try and try they will soo many times. But our God, our refuge, our hiding place, our shield will overcome them and fight against them so hard, that they won’t know what hit them. So my brother my sister, today please choose to believe that God’s defense system for your life is greater, bigger and better than any threat that the enemy will try to bring against you.

Today I also want to broaden our imagination of what God’s defense for us might look like by just highlighting some key aspects of Israel’s Iron Dome Defense system which is considered to be the most advanced in the world and reiterate further that God’s defense system is way way way, a billion times better than this and absolutely free.

First of all, this system has three elements. The first is a Radar unit and this serves as a sort of scanner to locate and detect any threats. And this system is advanced enough to simultaneously track 1000 rockets or projectiles at the same time. This for me just opens up my heart and mind to the fact that God is always looking out for us. Even when we do not see it coming, once we put our trust in God, rely and believe completely in him, he sees every threat coming, no matter the number and He further locates and detects the sources even before we see it. That’s why sometimes we hear prophecies about conspiracies or plans against us when we had absolutely no idea about them. It means God has detected the threat from a mile away. God knows it all.

The second and third elements are the Missile control Unit and Missile launchers which decide when to fire interceptor missiles against any threat missiles. Each iron dome launcher also contains 20 interceptor missiles independently deployed and can protect any area up to 75 km away in every direction. Not just that oo. These interceptor missiles are not just any kind of missiles, they cost about $100,000 a piece, and they are super fast and travel at over 200 times the speed of sound. Just imagine that. In fact, just use a few seconds to think on this. 200 times the speed of sound. Additionally, they are incredibly smart and capable of tracking any incoming object and even changing trajectory to destroy any incoming object mid-flight.

While I was researching about these elements, all I just kept thinking about was that our God is way better than this. For me, this element just highlights the fact that when the enemy throws its arrows, missiles, fiery darts against us and various aspects of our lives, our God, as our defense system, launches more advanced and sophisticated missiles, better that the Israeli ones and crushes them completely, with complete supernatural speed and covering every single are of our lives. He destroys the attacks of the enemy, no matter the number of times and protects and shields us.

I want to encourage all of us, NEVER EVER BE AFRAID!!!!! Our God is more than capable to protect us. Its high time believers switch our focus from what we think the enemy can do to what we know our God is 100% capable of doing and is actually doing for us.

I further want to highlight the fact that although Israel’s iron dome defense system is technologically advanced, it’s penetrable as there have been a number of instances where enemy missiles have gone through. Additionally, this system is extremely expensive. However, in contrast to that, my dear brothers and sisters, I want us to know and note that and believe completely that, our defense in Christ is airtight, advanced, impenetrable and completely free. No weapon forged against us will prevail, and we will refute every tongue that accuses you. Isaiah 54:17.



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